Faisal with Fever and Respiratory Distress


Mind Map on Faisal with Fever and Respiratory Distress, created by mohammed mansour on 28/10/2017.
mohammed mansour
Mind Map by mohammed mansour, updated more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Created by mohammed mansour almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Faisal with Fever and Respiratory Distress
  1. Anatomy of lung
    1. Microbiology
      1. URTI's
        1. The Common Cold
          1. Rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction
            1. Rhinovirus
          2. Pharyngitis
            1. Sore throat, fever and acute pharyngeal inflammation
              1. Adenovirus
            2. Croup
              1. acute viral infection of the URT presenting as stridor and a brassy cough
                1. Parainfluenza, RSV
            3. LRTI's causes
              1. Pneumonia
                1. inflammation of the lungs with consolidation due to an infectious agent.
                  1. Signs and Symptoms
                    1. Fever, rigors, Cough dry or productive, Chest pain, Dyspnea, Respiratory distress, tachypnea, hypoxemia, Bluish color to lips and fingernails, Crackles +/- evidence of consolidation, Abnormal X-ray, Heavy perspiring Confused mental state or delirium.
                    2. Epidemiology
                      1. Number 1 killer among infectious diseases
                      2. Types
                        1. Hospital-acquired
                          1. Ventilator-associated
                            1. of Immunocompromised
                              1. Community-acquired
                                1. Aspiration pneumonia
                                2. Risk factors
                                  1. Pathogenesis
                                    1. Congestion >> Red hepatization >> Gray hepatizaiton >> Resolution
                                      1. Lobar pneumonia
                                        1. Pleural involvements are common.
                                        2. Bronchopneumonia
                                          1. Pleural involvements are less common
                                      2. Viruses
                                        1. Bacteria
                                          1. S. pneumoniae M. pneumonia K. pneumoniae C. pneumonia L. pneumophilla
                                          2. Fungi
                                            1. PCP - PjP
                                        2. Physical examination
                                          1. Palpitation (↑vibrations), Percussion (Dullness), Auscultations (bronchial sounds)
                                          2. Investigations
                                            1. Blood tests. Chest X-ray, Pulse oximetry, Sputum test, CT scan or Pleural fluid culture (for adults).
                                            2. Management
                                              1. Quinolones B-lactams Macrolides
                                                1. Vaccination
                                                  1. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13 or Prevnar 13)
                                                    1. All babies and children younger than 2 years old. All adults 65 years or older. People 2 through 64 years old who are at increased risk for disease due to certain medical conditions.
                                                    2. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23 or Pneumovax23®)
                                                      1. All adults 65 years or older. People 2 through 64 years old who are at increased risk for disease due to certain medical conditions. Adults 19 through 64 years old who smoke cigarettes
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