Distributed Databases


A Level ICT (Unit 3.2) Mind Map on Distributed Databases, created by scott.dowle on 27/05/2013.
Mind Map by scott.dowle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scott.dowle over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Distributed Databases
  1. Database held in different locations. This is achieved by:
    1. Remote processor has data on its own customers, stock etc. This database is uploaded each night and changes made.
      1. Entire database is duplicated at the remote site. Uploaded each night and changes made
        1. Central database contains only an index of entries. Actual records held at remote site. Query to the central database will locate where record is held. Used for very large databases.
        2. Growing rapidly due to speed of processing at local sites has increased
          1. Data can be distributed across multiple computers
            1. The Internet Domain Name System (DNS) appears to be single database used to hold all addresses in the WWW
              1. However, Top Level Domains (.com, .org, .co.uk) split into different domains stored on different servers
            2. Distributed database consists of two or more data files at different sites on the network.
              1. Different users can access it without interfering with one another. However, data must be periodically synchronised to ensure data consistency
              2. Local Systems often store local databases but still have access to central online database
                1. Central database accessed remotley or held on local machines.
                  1. A system is needed to ensure that data integrity is maintained by ensuring the database is updated.
                2. Advantages
                  1. Faster response times and service at each location
                    1. Reduce vulnerability of putting all essential data at one site
                      1. Faster response to local queries
                        1. Reduction in amount of network traffic
                          1. Effect of breakdowns minimized
                            1. Better local control
                              1. Less powerful cheaper processors needed
                              2. Limitations
                                1. Security - dependence on telecommuncaitions links and widening access to sensitive data
                                  1. Increased data redundancy is replicated database is chosen
                                    1. Inconsistencies can arise between central and local systems if not immediately updated
                                      1. Increased tendency to data redundancy and inconsistency
                                        1. System dependant on high quality telecommunication lines
                                          1. Maintain and enforce consistent standards and data definitions over wide area
                                            1. Increased security problems - enforces security procedures over wide area plus increased problems over data transmission
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