Learning to Learn Mindmap


Mind Map on Learning to Learn Mindmap, created by head.32486354 on 06/08/2014.
Mind Map by head.32486354, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by head.32486354 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Learning to Learn
  1. Resilience
    1. Staying involved in your learning
      1. Having a positive attitude
        1. Setting targets and practising
          1. Persisting
          2. Resourcefulness
            1. Showing initiative
              1. Asking good questions
                1. Involving others in learning
                  1. Learning using different methods
                  2. Responsibility
                    1. Think ahead
                      1. Help others
                        1. Knowing your right from wrong
                          1. Manage yourself
                          2. Reflective
                            1. Learning from experience
                              1. Describing your progress
                                1. Being curious
                                  1. Listening to and learning from feedback
                                  2. Reasoning
                                    1. Explaining your thinking
                                      1. Considering all the evidence
                                        1. Taking time
                                          1. Choosing the best method
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