Computer System (Mind Map)


A Mind Map I created to help people with the types of computer systems.
Nurul Izah  Anuar
Mind Map by Nurul Izah Anuar, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Aaron Pang
Created by Aaron Pang over 7 years ago
Nurul Izah  Anuar
Copied by Nurul Izah Anuar over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Computer System (Mind Map)
  1. a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.
    1. Input Device(s)
      1. Conputer System
        1. Output Devices
          1. Printer
            1. a machine for printing text or pictures, especially one linked to a computer.
            2. Monitor
              1. a flat panel or area on an electronic device such as a television, computer, or smartphone, on which images and data are displayed.
              2. Speakers
                1. A device that converts analog audio signals into the equivalent air vibrations in order to make audible sound.
                2. Headphones
                  1. a device consisting of a pair of earphones joined by a band placed over the head, for listening to audio signals such as music or speech.
                  2. Plotter
                    1. a computer printer for printing vector graphics.
                  3. Storage Devices
                    1. Optical
                      1. CD
                        1. Late 20th Century storage device for data or music. Shortened form of Compact Disc
                        2. Blu-Ray
                          1. Blu-ray or Blu-ray Disc (BD) is a digital optical disc data storage format
                        3. Solid State
                          1. USB
                            1. A Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a common interface that enables communication between devices and a host controller such as a personal computer (PC). Because of its wide variety of uses, including support for electrical power, the USB has replaced a wide range of interfaces like the parallel and serial port.
                            2. SD Card
                              1. a type of memory card typically used in digital cameras and other portable devices.
                            3. Magnetic
                              1. Hard Disk
                                1. a rigid non-removable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity.
                                2. Tape Recorder
                                  1. an apparatus for recording sounds on magnetic tape and afterwards reproducing them.
                            4. Mouse
                              1. A computer mouse is an input device that is most often used with a personal computer. Moving a mouse along a flat surface can move the on-screen cursor to different items on the screen. Items can be moved or selected by pressing the mouse buttons (called clicking).
                              2. Microphone
                                1. an instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations which may then be amplified, transmitted, or recorded.
                                2. Scanner
                                  1. a device for examining, reading, or monitoring something
                                  2. Webcam
                                    1. a video camera connected to a computer, allowing its images to be seen by Internet users.
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