A02 Language Change


Mind Map on A02 Language Change, created by Tullia on 28/05/2013.
Mind Map by Tullia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Tullia over 11 years ago

Resource summary

A02 Language Change
  1. A02 Language Acquisition
    1. Halliday
      1. Personal


        • Expressing feelings and opinions e.g. 'me like...'
        1. Interactional


          • Contact and forming relationships e.g. 'I see you...'
          1. Instrumental


            • Expressing needs e.g. 'I want...'
            1. Regulatory


              • Telling others what to do e.g. 'go get...'
              1. Imaginative


                • Stories, jokes and imagining environments.
                1. Representational


                  • Conveying facts and information. 
                  1. Heuristic


                    • Environment e.g. 'what does duck say?'
                  2. Aitchison
                    1. Labelling


                      • Stage 1: Links between the sounds of words and objects
                      1. Packaging


                        • Stage 2: Understand that a word has a range of meanings. Over and under extension.
                        1. Network Building


                          • Stage 3: Connections between words.
                        2. Piaget
                          1. Sensorimotor


                            • 0-2 years a child experiences physical through senses and begins to classify things Object Permenance: Concept that things exist when out of sight. 
                            1. Concrete Operational


                              • 7-11 years. Child thinks logically about concrete events.
                              1. Formal Operational


                                • 11+ Abstract reasoning skills develop.
                                1. Pre-Operational


                                  • 2-7 years. Language and motor skills developed. Still egocentric- all focused on the child.
                                2. Bellugi Pronoun development
                                  1. 1. Own name
                                    1. 2. Recognises I/me and when they are used.
                                      1. 3. Can use them according to subject or object position in sentence.
                                      2. Vygotsky
                                        1. ZPD- Zone of Proximal Development


                                          • A child has to be in a certain zone to acquire language.
                                          1. MKO- More Knowledgeable Other


                                            • A person to teach and guide the child.
                                          2. Lenneberg
                                            1. The human brain is designed to acquire language in a certain time period, and once passed development is not possible (first five years).
                                            2. Bruner
                                              1. Language is developed depending on the quality and quantity of interaction.
                                                1. Children initially use language to get what they want.
                                                  1. LASS: Language Acquisition Support System
                                                  2. Skinner
                                                    1. Children learn to speak by immitating their parents and being rewarded or punished depending on accuracy.
                                                    2. Nature vs. Nurture
                                                      1. Nature/nativist: Language is innate
                                                        1. Nurture/empiricist: Language is learnt.
                                                          1. Interactionist: Influence from both nativist and empiricist
                                                          2. Chomsky
                                                            1. LAD: Language Acquisition Device


                                                              • Chomsky believed that all language is innate as it is all learnt in a similar way. 
                                                          3. Guy Deutscher
                                                            1. Language does not change due to contact with others.
                                                              1. No person or thing changes language
                                                                1. All modifiers of language are unintentional
                                                                  1. Changes are due to laziness, expressive and analogy.
                                                                  2. Peter Turgill Norwich Survey
                                                                    1. '-ing' decreased as class did
                                                                      1. Almost 100% middle class used standard '-ing' compared to non-standard '-in' used by 95% of lower class
                                                                        1. '-ing' increased as formality does.
                                                                          1. Females use the standard '-ing' more than males
                                                                          2. Jean Aitchison
                                                                            1. Crumbling Castle


                                                                              • Ignoring 'proper' English means language has decayed. Assumes language was once 'perfect'
                                                                              1. Cuckoo's Nest


                                                                                • One particular usage becomes dominant.
                                                                                1. Language Web


                                                                                  • All factors are linked.
                                                                                  1. Infectious Disease


                                                                                    • We catch 'bad language' and spread it.
                                                                                    1. Damp Spoon


                                                                                      • Laziness spreads causing change
                                                                                    2. Jenny Cheshire
                                                                                      1. Females more status concious and more likely to conform to rules.
                                                                                        1. Females more likely to use standard English and Overt Prestige
                                                                                          1. Males gain popularity using covert prestige
                                                                                          2. Goodman
                                                                                            1. Language has undergone informalisation
                                                                                            2. Howard Giles
                                                                                              1. When people interact they adjust their speech to acomodate others
                                                                                                1. Divergence: Speaker changes language to distance from the other
                                                                                                  1. Convergence: Speaker changes language to fit others.
                                                                                                  2. Sapir Whorf Hypothesis
                                                                                                    1. Language determines thought and linguistic categories.
                                                                                                      1. Language dictates the way we think and how we conceptualise the world.
                                                                                                        1. Language affects the way a speaker views the world.
                                                                                                        2. Prescriptivist vs descriptivist
                                                                                                          1. Prescriptivist: Judgements about language change.
                                                                                                            1. Descriptivist: Describes the process of change.
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