Video Communication


Mind Map on Video Communication, created by Charles Sims on 07/11/2017.
Charles Sims
Mind Map by Charles Sims, updated more than 1 year ago
Charles Sims
Created by Charles Sims about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Video Communication
  1. About Video Communication
    1. A Different Universe
      1. Understanding that Video doesn't have to be grounded by reality and you can use manipulation techniques to seem like you can change time or space
      2. Video Construction
        1. A Video is complex, it's planned and created carefully.
        2. Video Truth
          1. Video's aren't the real world they are artificial constructions, and do not always communicate the truth.
        3. The Video World
          1. Video Space
            1. The Power of the Frame
              1. The frame shapes the world you want to create with your video
                1. Frame (include) everything you want to exist
                  1. Frame off (exclude) everything you do not want to exist
                2. The illusion of size and distance
                  1. Depth
                    1. It is giving the audience a fleshed out, non-flat experience by placing things and scaling them different in your shots
                    2. Scale
                      1. The illusion of an object being large or small by changing the depth of it in a frame
                  2. Video Time
                    1. Speed
                      1. Changing of the Speed of time
                      2. Flow
                        1. How time movies throughout a video
                        2. Direction
                          1. The movement of time itself in a video
                          2. Coherence
                            1. The independent movement of both video and audio
                          3. Sequences
                            1. A progression of event through a certain number of shots
                          4. Video Construction: The Role of Composition
                            1. Directing the Eye
                              1. Pull the viewers eye toward something using different camera techniques
                              2. Managing Depth
                                1. Creating depth requires perspective
                                  1. Wide Angle
                                    1. Increases apparent depth, rendering distant subjects smaller than "normal." Making the background seem distant
                                    2. Telephoto
                                      1. Enlarges distance subjects, making the background seem closer.
                                2. Video Construction: The Power of Sound
                                  1. Implication
                                    1. Sound can indicate the present of something outside the frame
                                    2. Reinforcement
                                      1. Can help reinforce an environment or atmosphere you are creating
                                      2. Blending
                                        1. Pulling together visuals and audio at different times, helping make your video flow
                                      3. Video Organization and Video Language
                                        1. Recording
                                          1. Framing the Subject
                                            1. Framing the subject puts whatever in frame in the world you are creating with your video.
                                            2. Timing the Recording
                                              1. Time is an important factor to get the shot you want as your enviroment can always change, with lighting and weather.
                                              2. Selecting
                                                1. Choosing Shots
                                                  1. Choosing what shot you want in your video and how you want it to look
                                                  2. Trimming Shots
                                                    1. Cleaning up video in post-production
                                                  3. Modifying
                                                    1. Altering Shots
                                                      1. Moving from shot to shot, sequencing
                                                      2. Computer Graphics (CG)
                                                        1. Adding graphics to help the flow of the video
                                                        2. Sequencing
                                                          1. Condensing
                                                            1. Different angles are cut together to delete unnecessary space and time.
                                                            2. Repositioning
                                                              1. Ordering and movement to shots
                                                              2. Relating
                                                                1. Making the shots "Work off each other"
                                                              3. Reinforcing with Audio
                                                                1. Sound Effects
                                                                  1. Narration
                                                                    1. Explaining or talking over a shot
                                                                    2. Background Tracks
                                                                      1. Background tracks are audio tracks of continuous noise
                                                                      2. Quick bits of audio to synchronize with the video
                                                              4. Video and "Truth"
                                                                1. Types of Programs
                                                                  1. Story Programs
                                                                    1. Feature Movies, TV series, Music Videos
                                                                      1. Sports
                                                                        1. Sports productions and affiliates such as ESPN and live games by NBA, NFL, ect.
                                                                          1. News
                                                                            1. Live airing of current events, can be local, national, or global.
                                                                              1. Documentaries
                                                                                1. An incredible story-driven narrative of real unstaged footage of ideas or topics
                                                                                  1. Commercials
                                                                                    1. Advertisments filling in dead space and segmenting other programs airing
                                                                                      1. Infotainment
                                                                                        1. Cable channels filled with "factual" videos that present information by openly shooting to a script and editing footage
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