Shaffer and Emerson's Glasgow study 1964


A mind map on the shaffer and Emerson Glasgow study
Adam Brown
Mind Map by Adam Brown, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Brown
Created by Adam Brown over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Shaffer and Emerson's Glasgow study 1964
  1. Findings
    1. PA not always formed with person spent longest with infant
      1. Sensitive mothers had a more intensley attached infant
        1. Quality of attachment matters most in the formation
          1. 65% of first attachments were to mothers
            1. 3% of fathers were first attachment & 27% joint
              1. 29% of infants within a month of attachmnet had multiple attachments
                1. In 6 months 29% rose to 78%
                2. By thw age of 1, 1/3 of infants had 5 or more attachments
                3. Procedure
                  1. 60 infants from working class homes
                    1. Studied for 1 year
                      1. Mothers reported baby's response in 7 every day scenarios
                        1. 4 point scale of intensity of protest
                          1. Mother reported who she thought protest was to
                            1. Stranger anxiety measured using researcher
                            2. 4 Stages of attachment
                              1. Indiscriminate (same respnses, reciprocity, interaction synchrony)
                                1. IN
                                2. The beginning (comforted by anyone, no SA, no preference to person
                                  1. The beginning
                                  2. Discriminate (joy at reunion, SEP ANX occur, stra anx
                                    1. Dinosaurs
                                    2. Multiple (Attached to multiple people,, soon after first attachment)
                                      1. Multiplied
                                    3. Evaluation
                                      1. Longitudinal study (drop outs, low validity, specific ptps left)
                                        1. Self report (subjective, ptp varibles impact test, low validity)
                                          1. Small sample (low population validity)
                                            1. No account for other cultures (only use in individualistic cultures)
                                              1. Naturalistic observation (ecological validity)
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