Impact of the depression


GCSE History (Germany 1890 - 1945) Mind Map on Impact of the depression, created by Megan Leek on 12/11/2017.
Megan Leek
Mind Map by Megan Leek, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Leek
Created by Megan Leek almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Impact of the depression
  1. Growth in extremist parties
    1. Blamed the goverment or the situation
      1. Turned to more extreme alternatives
        1. Communists
          1. Nazis
            1. Appeal to nationalists
              1. Destroy TOV
                1. Gain land
                  1. Gain colonies
                  2. Remove migrants
                    1. Strong central goverment
                    2. Appeal to socialists
                      1. Nationalising industries
                        1. Profit sharing
                          1. Improving pensions
                            1. Give farmers the right to thir own land
                      2. What was the depression
                        1. US stock markets fell
                          1. German exports slumped
                            1. Millions lost their jobs
                              1. Foreign factories closed
                              2. USA recalled loans
                                1. Goverment raised taxes
                                  1. Goverment cut benefits
                                  2. President used Article 48
                                    1. Unemployment
                                      1. Sept 1928 = 650 000
                                        1. Jan 1933 - 6 100 000
                                      2. Role of the SA
                                        1. Intimidate enemies
                                          1. Beat up opponents
                                            1. Led by Ernst Roehm
                                            2. How it affected people
                                              1. Workers
                                                1. Lost jobs
                                                  1. 26% out of work
                                                    1. Factories shut down
                                                      1. Homeless
                                                    2. Banks
                                                      1. Huge loses
                                                        1. High investment
                                                        2. closed down
                                                        3. Children
                                                          1. Died frommalnutrition
                                                          2. Goverment
                                                            1. Feared hyperinflation
                                                              1. Ran on decree
                                                                1. Unpopular
                                                                2. Factories
                                                                  1. Closed down / downsized
                                                                    1. Production decreased by 58%
                                                                    2. Middle class
                                                                      1. Less money
                                                                        1. Lost savings
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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