Motivational theories


Year 11 Business Studies Mind Map on Motivational theories, created by AyItsLily I on 13/11/2017.
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AyItsLily I
Created by AyItsLily I about 7 years ago
AyItsLily I
Copied by AyItsLily I about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Motivational theories
  1. Taylor's Scientific Management Theory (1856-1917)
    1. Workers are mostly motivated by payment (AO1)
      1. + Time rate, Salary (AO2)
        1. + Examiners marking papers (AO2)
          1. - Whether there is a need for money (AO4)
            1. - How much workers are paid (AO4)
              1. - Closer supervision (AO3)
                1. - Less mistakes being made (AO3)
                2. Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs (1908-1970)
                  1. Workers are motivated by achieving needs, but lower needs must be achieved first (AO1)
                    1. + Fringe benefits (AO2)
                      1. + Kellogg's (AO2)
                        1. - Whether basic needs are met (AO4)
                          1. - Whether needs are identified correctly (AO4)
                            1. - Workers will be happier (AO3)
                              1. - Better communication so less mistakes (AO3)
                              2. Elton Mayo Human Relations Management (1880-1949)
                                1. People desire to be part of a supportive team (AO1)
                                  1. + Teamwork (AO2)
                                    1. + Esso (AO2)
                                      1. - Employees feeling happier (AO3)
                                        1. - Better quality products (AO3)
                                          1. - Whether the people teamed have conflict or not (AO4)
                                            1. - Whether they get distracted easily (AO4)
                                            2. David McClelland Three Needs Theory (1917-1998)
                                              1. Motivation is affected by achievements, affiliation and power needs (AO1)
                                                1. + Empowerment, Job enlargement, enrichment (AO2)
                                                  1. + Medical profession, higher education (AO2)
                                                    1. - Employees becoming more productive (AO3)
                                                      1. - A good working environment (AO3)
                                                        1. - If employees become too bossy (AO4)
                                                          1. - How they make others feel around them (AO4)
                                                          2. Frederick Herzberg The Two-Factor Theory (1923-2000)
                                                            1. + Tesco (AO2)
                                                              1. + Overtime (AO2)
                                                                1. Hygiene factors will lower motivation if not there, but won't raise it. Motivational factors will not lower motivation but can increase it (AO1)
                                                                  1. - Creates job satisfaction (AO3)
                                                                    1. - Greater work efficiency (AO3)
                                                                      1. - What motivational factors are put in place (AO4)
                                                                        1. - Whether they meet the needs of the employees (AO4)
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