Christian views on drugs


GCSE PoR Mind Map on Christian views on drugs, created by Ellie96 on 29/05/2013.
Mind Map by Ellie96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Ellie96 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Christian views on drugs
  1. Illegal drugs
    1. Taking these drugs is always wrong as we do not own our bodies but are the stewards so we must protect them
      1. The addictions and medical problems accociated with them won't just hurt us but also negativly effect the people around us such as our famil
        1. Our body is a temple of the holy spirit, we should respect that
          1. However drug addicts should not be treated as outcasts but should be treated compassionatly and we should try and help them recover
          2. Legal drugs
            1. Christians fully accept the use of medicinal drugs as our body, the temple of the holy spirit, must be protected
              1. Most christians discourage smoking because of the harm it causes but also it's a waste of money
                1. Attitudes to alcohol vary more. Members of the salvation army are teetotal (don't ever drink) as they see the effects of it on homeless alcoholics in their work
                  1. Other Christians do drink as they see that Jesus did at the last supper and he also turned water into wine at a wedding
                  2. Wine is also a key part in many Christian rituals and ceremonies
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