Integrity and Authentication


Mind Map on Integrity and Authentication, created by Davide Cometa on 14/11/2017.
Davide Cometa
Mind Map by Davide Cometa, updated more than 1 year ago
Davide Cometa
Created by Davide Cometa about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Integrity and Authentication


  • The ability to guarantey that a given message has not been modified from its original content.
  1. Manual


    • Choose randomly pieces of message and compare. There is no 100% assurance and comparing all pieces would take too long.
    1. CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check


      • not suitable for security: they expect that unpredictable events damage single equioprobable bits randomly.
      1. Digest


        • Computed summaries are compared 
        1. Cryptographic Hash


          • Uses Hash Functions to provide: - performance - one-way (not invertible) - collision free -> impossible to achieve completely; alisiang probability is 1/(2^Nbit).
          1. MD2
            1. MD4
              1. MD5
                1. SHA-1
                  1. SHA-2
                    1. SHA-3
                      1. RIPEMD
                      2. Authentication
                        1. Protected Digest
                          1. MAC - Message Authentication Code


                            • it can support also a MID (Message IDentifier) to avoid replay attacks. Must always be associated to a MAC to avoid changes to data.  Consider that this has not the purpose of guaranteing confidentiality!
                            1. is done by Cryptography


                              1. based on Symmetric Cryptography


                                • The authentication is based on the use of a symmetric key. Only who knows the key can modify the MAC. Being based on a shared key it is not possible to provide non-repudiation.
                                1. Authentication by means of symmetric encryption of the message
                                  1. Authentication by means of symmetric encryption of the message digest
                                    1. Authentication by keyed-digest
                                    2. based on Asymmetric Cryptography
                                      1. Authentication by means of digital signature
                                    3. To provide both confidentiality and authentication (+ integrity) combine cryptography of data with symmetric alg and use MAC
                                      1. Different combinations of authentication and encryption exists
                                        1. Authenticate-And-Encrypt
                                          1. Authenticate-Then-Encrypt
                                            1. Encrypt-Then-Authenticate
                                              1. Authenticated Encryption
                                                1. AEAD
                                                  1. IGE
                                            2. MIC - Message Integrity Code
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