Two imp dimensions 1.people centered 2.task centered
Behavioral Theories
University of Iowa in USA studies:
Autocratic Style: centralize authority, makes unilateral decisions,limits employee participation
Laissez Faire Style: gives employees complete freedom to make decisions and to complete their work inwhatever way they fit
Democratic Style: involve employees in decision making, delegates authority and encourages Participating in deciding work methods and goals
Ohio State University studies
The Initiating Structure: leader defines and structure his or her role and the roles of emplouyees in order to attain a goal
consideration leadership style: Leader's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust and respect for employees' ideas and feelings
University of Michigan studies
Employee-oriented Leaders: leader who emphasizes interpersonal relationships, took a personal interest in the needs of their emplyees, and accepts individual differences among members (moderately favorable situations)
Production(task) oriented Leaders: who emphasizes the technical or task aspects of the job concerning mainly with accomplishing group's tasks and regarded group members as a means to that end ( very favorable and very unfavorable situations)
The Contingency theories of leadership
Fiedler Contingency Model (which manager fit in which condidtion)
Leader-Member Relations: related to degree of confidence, trust and respect employees have for their leader, Rated either Good or Poor
Task Structure: Degree of which job assignments were formalized and structured, Rated either High or Low
Position power:the degree of Influence a leader had over activities such as Hiring, Firing,,Discipline, Promotions and salary increases, Rated either Strong or Weak
Situational Leader Ship Theory (SLT) Two Dimensions= Four styles
Telling( high task-Low Relationship): Define roles and tells people what,how,when,where to do various tasks
Selling (high task-high relationship): leader provides both directive and supportive behavior
Participating (low task-high relationship): leader and followers share in decision making and the main role of the leader is facilitating and communication
Delegating (low task- low relationship): leader provides little direction or support
There are four stages of readiness
R1: people are both unable and unwilling(no responsibility , are not competent, no confidence)
R2: people are unable but willing to do the necessary task jobs,( followers are motivated but lack of appropriate skills)
R3: People are able but unwilling to do what the leader wants. ( followers are competent but don't want to do something
R4 People are both able and willing to do what is asked of them
Leader-Participation Theory: Sequence Set of Rules that determine how much Participation a leader uses in decision ,making according to different types of situations It is related to leadership behavior to decision making ( recognizing that task structures has varying demands for routine and non routine activities so leader behavior must adjust to the task structure)
Path-Goal Theory: A leader's job is to assist followers to attain their goals and to provide Direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with organization's goals . There are four levels :