Keep all medical bodies in
the loop (interdisciplinary)
Partiality of records
Normal delivery - felt
traumatic to Amy
Feeling like Christine is more
interested in form than person
Mistakes in records
Making records in real-life situations can be
very challenging and requires good professional
judgement about what really matters
Dan Morgan and his mother
Getting a hold of your own records
Data Protection Act (1998)
- access can be denied or
limited if it is seen to cause
physical or mental harm
Making your own records
People can be asked to keep informal
records to help manage their medication.
Diabetics, depression, anxiety.
Why we need records
SU histories are not forgotten
and can be used to make
informed care decisions
So that Care Workers can
remember what has been done
and what will happen in the future
SU knows what has
happened and what
services they can recieve
Care can be provided by
more than one worker
Care can be co-ordinated
between agencies
Signed records prove that
something has happened
To provide information
which improves public health
Sharing information
from personal records
Confidential - information unavailable in
public domain, shared in a relationship where
the person understands it can't be shared
Sensitive information is about race,
political, religious, sex life, offences
This kind of information can be shared
and isn't always confidential. It is at the
discretion of the person involved
Explicit - The person gives
consent knowing exactly
what they are agreeing to.
Implied - is when someone has not explicitly said
that their personal information may be shared but
their behaviour suggests that they are aware that
it will be passed on and they are happy with this
Carers often feel that that they need to
know details of the SU in order to support
them better. NHS guidelines say that
without explicit consent from the SU
Brian & Amy - confides in HV Christine
Confidentiality should be breached if more harm
will be done by maintaining it than breaching it.