

Advanced Agronomy (Nutrients) Mind Map on Nitrogen, created by labradorlass on 29/05/2013.
Mind Map by labradorlass, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by labradorlass over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. assess SNS
    1. comprises of...
      1. SMN
        1. Soil Mineral Nitrogen
          1. can vary by 50% across a field
          2. 15-20samples per 10ha
            1. need to maintain field heat
              1. get to lab asap
                1. assure lab is accredited, worthwhile and specific
                  1. SMN increases during storage
                    1. 2.5kg/ha/day
                  2. keep cool if stored freezing increases SMN
                2. N in crop
                  1. N mineralised from soil OM/crop debris
                  2. can predict from...
                    1. previous crop
                      1. potatoes high N sugar beet low
                      2. soil type
                        1. sands retain least N silts retain most
                        2. potential leaching
                          1. ALL PREDICTION
                          2. after ploughing out grass
                            1. releases a lot of N
                          3. allow for N in manures
                            1. urine/dung patches
                              1. causes hotspots
                            2. urea converts to ammonia
                              1. affected by heat and acidity
                                1. high pH
                              2. excess N causes lodging
                                1. SNS high in north west, SNS med in north east, SNS low in east
                                  1. can sample in winter or spring
                                    1. except...
                                      1. light soils
                                        1. shallow soils
                                          1. high winter rainfall
                                          2. 0-60cm in winter
                                            1. less likely to overestimate
                                            2. 0-90cm in spring
                                              1. HGCA
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