Dr Kamal ordered a fullset of thyroid function tests (TFTs
wrote on the lab slip his clinical diagnosis of hyperthyroidism
He decided to order an antithyroid peroxidase (aTpo)test and a fullblood examination (FBE).
they could then decide on the best management plan'
relapsed, had to undergo thyroidectomy
A thyroidectomy may be
recommended for
conditions such as:
Thyroid cancer
Noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter).
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
Diffuse toxic goiters- Graves disease
An immunoglobulin called
thyroid-stimulating immunoglobin
(TSI) found in the blood of all
patients; TSI binds to the TSH
receptor and induce TSH-like effects;
TSI effects persist longer than TSH
(up to 12 hrs vs. 1 hr respectively)
Plasma level of TSH is suppressed
due to the high level of thyroid
females 20-40
Thyroid auto
TSH is deccreased &
free T4 is increased
TSH is deccreased & free
T4 is increased
History taking
Physical examination
Toxic Multinodular Goiters
Pituitary Adenoma (TSHoma)
Excessive iodine intake
Abnormal secretion of TSH
Excessive intake of thyroid hormones
Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland)
TSH,T4 and T3
thyroid auto-antibody and serum thyroglobulin
measurements, thyroid enzyme activities, biopsy of the
thyroid, ultrasound and isotopic thyroid scanning
Autoantibodies : TSH receptor
autoantibody, Thyroglobulin
autoantibody, thyroid
peroxidase autoantibody
(more common in
Antigen presenting cell
presents TSH like antigen
activating naïve t cells which
activate B cells which
produce TSH like
iodine scan
Anatomy of the thyroid gland
Nerve supply
Supplied by superior,
middle & inferior cervical
sympathetic ganglia.
Fibers: Vasomotor & not
Upper part of the gland to
upper deep cervical nodes
via the prelaryngeal,
pretracheal &
paratracheal nodes.
Lower part to lower deep
cervical nodes. The
lymphatic's form a
plexus & lymph can drain
in any direction.