Being aware of the service user


Mind Map on Being aware of the service user, created by Laura Ness on 29/05/2013.
Laura Ness
Mind Map by Laura Ness, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Charlie_eeyore almost 12 years ago
Laura Ness
Copied by Laura Ness almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Being aware of the service user
  1. Services in the widely adopted term for a person receiving care
    1. Anwar
      1. agreeing with the nurse, but not actually following
        1. Difficulties
          1. not cultural approiprate
            1. diet/exercise
            2. Language
              1. confused about condition
              2. Injections
                1. attendance declined
                2. Pakistani and Indian patients experinces of scottish diabetes services: a qualitative study
                  1. Julia Lawton
                    1. Difficulties experinced by indivivuals
                      1. Poor Knowledge
                        1. Langauge difficulties in asking questions
                          1. long/antiscoial hours
                            1. limited cultral sport as not part of cultural generally
                              1. Food
                                1. Wife responisble for cookings
                                  1. Social event
                                    1. Cutrual inappropriate advice
                                      1. Confusion
                                  2. David matthews
                                    1. Activity 11 DVD
                                      1. Cultural context creates challenges but offers opportunites
                                      2. Activity 13 DVD
                                      3. Encouraging effective self managment in diabetes
                                        1. William Polonsky
                                        2. Psychological senstivies
                                          1. Seems like a demanding job
                                            1. Can suffer with depression which many suffers do
                                              1. guilty
                                                1. engaging with pateints
                                                2. Family lives
                                                  1. Financial burden
                                                    1. access to shops
                                                    2. Active dialogue with health professionals
                                                      1. engaging, informing, educating & supprting
                                                        1. Concordance vs compliance
                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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