How serious were the effects of the depression on the american people- Roosevelt -election


History Mind Map on How serious were the effects of the depression on the american people- Roosevelt -election, created by annabellock on 30/05/2013.
Mind Map by annabellock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annabellock over 11 years ago

Resource summary

How serious were the effects of the depression on the american people- Roosevelt -election
  1. 1-roosevelt the democratic candidate for the presidency was full of enthusiasm and charisma
    1. 2-as govenor of new york 1928-1932 he has a reputation for listening and then acting
      1. 3- he had already intervened to try and improve the economy in new york state by increasing the income tax to provide an extra $20million for emergency relief during winter of 1931-32
        1. 4-he created the impression he would act
          1. 5- used radio effectively and spoke of the need of the government to help the forgotton man
            1. 6-also made whistle stop tours around america promising action and giving hope
              1. 7-election 1932 gave him the majority he recieved 57% of the popular vote
                1. 8-hoover recieved 40 %
                  1. 9-roosevelt won in 42 out of 48 states shows he had majority support
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