Forces and Motion- Paper 2


A Levels Physics Mind Map on Forces and Motion- Paper 2, created by beth2384 on 30/05/2013.
Mind Map by beth2384, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth2384 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Forces and Motion- Paper 2
  1. Quantities
    1. Vector
      1. Have SIZE and DIRECTION
        1. Examples...
          1. acceleration
            1. Force
              1. Velocity
            2. Scalar
              1. Have SIZE only
                1. Examples...
                  1. Mass
                    1. Temperature
                      1. Distance
                        1. Speed
                          1. Time
                      2. Resultant force
                        1. if forces are acting along the same line add them end to end
                          1. Example...
                            1. What's the resultant force of a 220N force north, a 180N force south and a 90N force south?
                              1. Step 1- North can be -, South can be +
                                1. Step 2- add them end to end...
                                  1. 180+90-220=50N
                                    1. The resultant force is 50N in the South direction
                            2. Test...
                              1. A kite in the air has 4N upwards, 3N downwards, 2N to the left and 3.5N to the right...
                                1. a) calculate the resultant upward force, in newtons, on the kite
                                  1. upwards can be +, downwards can be -
                                    1. 4-3= 1N upwards
                                  2. b) calculate the resultant sideways force, in newtons, on the kite and state its direction
                                    1. left can be -, right can be +
                                      1. 3.5-2= 1.5N to the left
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