The impact of the depression


GCSE History-Germany (The League of Nations in the 1930s) Mind Map on The impact of the depression, created by RashaKay on 31/05/2013.
Mind Map by RashaKay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RashaKay almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

The impact of the depression
  1. Producers overproduced
    1. Too much supply, not enough demand
    2. 1929- USA stopped lending money, called in its loans
      1. 1930- nearly 2000 banks collapsed
        1. 1933- nearly 12 million unemployed in USA
      2. Most industrial countries affected
        1. Banks failed, industries struggled, trade to a hault
          1. USSR = Least affected
            1. 2.5 million unemployed in Britain
              1. 30 million unemployed in west countries
                1. 6 million unemployed in Germany by 1932
        2. Widespread poverty
          1. More likely to support right wing leaders; hoping for a strong government
            1. 1933- Nazis elected in Germany
              1. Wanted to defy L.O.N by overturning T.O.V
                1. Britain+France =Less willing to help: wanted to concentrate on domestic issues
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