Contributions to Sectional Tensions


sectional tensions
Cha'Rae  Jones
Mind Map by Cha'Rae Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Cha'Rae  Jones
Created by Cha'Rae Jones almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Contributions to Sectional Tensions
  1. 1787: US Constitution The North wanted to count slaves for taxation and the South wanted to count slaves for representation. This resulted in the Three-Fifths Compromise.
    1. 1793: Ely Whitney's cotton gin It made the process of raw cotton easier and increased the need for slaves.
      1. 1794- Cotton Revolution The cotton business was blooming. Slavery made agriculture profitable.
        1. Started between 1790-1820: Second Great Awakening During this time abolitionist tried to use "moral suasion" to end slavery. Abolitionist believed in immediate emancipation. The Anti-slavery Society was founded and they demanded Congress to end all federal support for slavery.
          1. 1791-1804: Haitian Revolt There were several rebellions against slavery but this was the most successful.
            1. 1808: End of International slave trade Southerners were furious with the North. They claimed that their rights were being taking away. This was because the South depended on agriculture.
              1. 1821-22: Vessey Revolt This revolt was lead by a free black man, Denmark Vessey. The (AME) Church and the work he did within the church shaped his views. "Go Down Moses" expressed the pain felt by slaves in North Carolina. The revolt was unsuccessful and resulted in the arrest of anyone who had anything to do with the revolt. Many people were sentenced to death.
                1. 1820: Missouri Crisis To satisfy the North and the South Missouri was emitted as an slave state. It was agreed that any territory west of Missouri would be a free state.
                  1. 1846-1848: Mexican American War It started when Mexico troops attacked American Troops on American land. America was divided going into this war. Abolitionist feared the expansion of slavery. Polk was trying to negociate land out of Mexico. The Whigs say it as conscienceless land grabbing. The Democrats supported the war.
                    1. 1852: Uncle Tom's Cabin This was an antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. President Lincoln asked her if she was the little lady that started the war. Her book upset the South and got the antislavery movement moving.
                      1. 1854:Kansas-Nebraska Act The Whigs and Democrats fought over whether these two territories should be a free or slave state. Based on the Missouri Compromise these territories were appose to be frees states. This act appealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed popular sovereignty. it also caused the collapse of the Whig Party.
                        1. 1857: Dred Scott Case This case encouraged pro-slavery. The court ruled that Scott was a piece of property and that property could not obtain citizenship.
                          1. 1859: Harper's Ferry Raid John Brown believed that violence and bloodshed was the way to go. He led a revolt of armed slaves. Although, this revolt was stopped it still convinced the South that it was an attack by northern abolitionist.
                            1. 1860: Election of Abraham Lincoln Lincoln was leader of the Republican Party. He believed that the governments job was to fix problems. He admitted that the nation would not survive and be split up. Slavery had to go. What really made the South mad was that he won by popular vote.
                              1. 1861: Attack on Fort Sumter The South seceded from the Union and began claiming federal land. It was believed that Fort Sumter was the rightful land of South Carolina.
                        2. 1850: Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 This act punished anyone who was harboring slaves. This upset the North because they were being forced to hunt runaway slaves.
                    2. 1831: Nat Turner's Revolt Turner claimed that God had sent him to end slaver. About sixty white men died as an result of this revolt. This revolt installed fear in the South.
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