How did roosevelt deal with the depression-relief-social security act 1935


History Mind Map on How did roosevelt deal with the depression-relief-social security act 1935, created by annabellock on 31/05/2013.
Mind Map by annabellock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annabellock almost 12 years ago
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Resource summary

How did roosevelt deal with the depression-relief-social security act 1935
  1. 1-first federal action providing old age pensions for over 65s and unemplyed insurance
    1. 2-had to be self-financing paid for by employees and employers
      1. 3- pensions were not paid at a flat rate but according to how much the worker had previously contributed and they would not start till 1940
        1. 4- unemployment benefits were low and paid for only a limited period- maximum of $18 a week for 16 weeks
          1. 5-big step towards providing welfare for those in need and it was critisized by many political opponents of roosevelts
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