History test :(


Revision for 8PR history test on Wednesday :(
Renata Salimova
Mind Map by Renata Salimova, updated more than 1 year ago
Renata Salimova
Created by Renata Salimova almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

History test :(
  1. Causes of WW1
    1. Main-Militarism,Alliance,Imperialism and Nationalism.Germany wanted an empire, they brought in other countries and thought that they were the best.
      1. Leader of Germany hated Brits for a long time cuz his father died because of them.
        1. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia
        2. Weapons soldiers had
          1. Machine guns,Bayonets,Rifles and artilery
            1. Tanks,Flamethrowers,Gas and Grenades
            2. Life in trenches
              1. A lot of lice, rats and diseases...nice?
                1. Carried a lot of stuff with them like gas masks, food,ammo.
                2. Recruitment
                  1. Was previously an option to go to war but when men started to die conscription was introduced.
                3. The Unknown Soldier
                  1. Was buried in Westminster abbey on March 4 1921.
                  2. The Schileffein plan
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