The Spanish made mistakes in their attempt to invade England and this was the main reason why the Armada was defeated. How far do you agree? 16 marks


GCSE History Mind Map on The Spanish made mistakes in their attempt to invade England and this was the main reason why the Armada was defeated. How far do you agree? 16 marks, created by Claire Duffy on 12/12/2017.
Claire Duffy
Mind Map by Claire Duffy, updated more than 1 year ago
Claire Duffy
Created by Claire Duffy about 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Spanish made mistakes in their attempt to invade England and this was the main reason why the Armada was defeated. How far do you agree? 16 marks
  1. Spanish mistakes
    1. Poor leader Medina sidona
      1. Chosen for social standing not naval experience
      2. Uniting two armies by sea.
        1. Unreliable communication between two armies
        2. Poor army compostition and equipment
          1. Soldiers had no naval experience
            1. More priests than saliors
              1. Spanish guns were only able to fire once an hour
                1. Ships were cramped and hard to find specific ammo for specific cannons
                  1. Gunner decks cramped and hard so hard to load cannon
                2. Had no deep water ports in the netherlands near flanders
                  1. Made embarking the armada ships hard
                3. English Tatics
                  1. Long-range cannons to fire at Spanish ships out of range of the grappling hooks
                    1. Spanish primarily fought hand-to-hand combat and so could not damage english
                      1. Spanish were only able to press forward to flanders
                    2. Fire ships scattered the Spanish ships breaking their defensive formation
                      1. Allowed English navy to concentrate fire on specific important ships
                        1. Allowed more ships to be sunk
                    3. Ships
                      1. English ships
                        1. Small
                          1. streamline
                            1. agile
                              1. fast
                          2. Spanish ships
                            1. Large
                              1. Cumbersome
                              2. large capacity
                                1. Slow
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