Women in the War


Social Studies 7 (american revolution) Mind Map on Women in the War, created by Chloe McCloskey on 13/12/2017.
Chloe McCloskey
Mind Map by Chloe McCloskey, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe McCloskey
Created by Chloe McCloskey almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Women in the War
  1. women added work to home (planting and harvesting crops, making shoes, woving cloth (for blankets and uniforms))
    1. "Handy Betsy the Blacksmith" - making guns and cannons for army
      1. Women joined husbands (cared for wounded, washed clothes, cooked)
        1. Martha Washington - husband of George Washington
          1. Betsy Ross - sewed flags
            1. Mary Ludwig Hays "Molly Pitcher" - carried water to soldiers; when husband was wounded she loaded and fired cannon
              1. Sybil Ludington "Female Paul Revere" - rode 2x as long as Revere and much younger than most men
                1. Thinking about women's rights
                  1. became more confident and willing to speak out
                    1. most men (in Congress) did not believe in equality
                      1. encourage women to campaign for equal treatment; eventually to win it
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