Final Battle: Yorktown


american revolution
Chloe McCloskey
Mind Map by Chloe McCloskey, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe McCloskey
Created by Chloe McCloskey almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Final Battle: Yorktown
  1. At first with Loyalist's help Cornwallis was successful in Virginia
    1. Lafayette used hit-and-run tactics to harm Cornwallis' forces
      1. Clinton ordered Cornwallis to send half his army to NY to protect it
        1. Cornwallis ignored the order and went to Yorktown where he thought British ships could give him reinforcement
          1. De Grasse (French) was blockading British in VA
            1. Washington quickly and secretly marched his army to Yorktown
              1. Siege- after severlal weeks Cornwallis surrenders and war ends
                1. siege - to fight day and night until surrender
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