Problems of Western Expansion 1803-1854


A level History Mind Map on Problems of Western Expansion 1803-1854, created by Emma Hearn on 18/12/2017.
Emma Hearn
Mind Map by Emma Hearn, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Hearn
Created by Emma Hearn almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Problems of Western Expansion 1803-1854
  1. Westward Expansion 1800-1804
    1. Federal Gov Action
      1. Louisiana Land Purchase 1803: President Thomas Jefferson bought over 2 million km square for $15 million. More than doubled national territory.
        1. Relations with Britain: 1812 USA declared was on Britain but from 1815, their relations improved
          1. USA wanted to annex Florida from Spain as concerned it could be used for military base. 1819 Adams-Onís treaty-spain ceded florida to USA and western boundary of Luoisiana purchase agreed.
          2. Economic Factors
            1. Panic of 1819 was a major economic crisis.
              1. Improvements in agricultural technology eg/ Jethro's iron plough 1819 and mechanical reaper invented in 1831.
                1. Fertile Land
                2. Transport Developments
                  1. Pioneer settlers in early movements. 1808 start of 'National Road' funded by fed gov. By 1838, it extended 800 miles.
                    1. 1817=17 steamboats on western rivers, 1836=361
                      1. Erie canal was an economic success. started developments in 1817 and finished by 1825. Within 9 years, it had paid for itself. By 1840, there were 5000km of canal mainly funded by state gov after seeing success of Erie canal.
                      2. Far West (beyond Mississippi)
                        1. 1803 Lewis and Clark expedition-returned with large collection of maps and info on Native American customs.
                          1. Fur traders and trappers. Kit Carson served to publicise and romanticise the Far West.
                        2. Native American Experience 1800-1840
                          1. Fragmentation and factionalism among tribes meant Natie Americans fund it difficult to unite against common threat.
                            1. Indian Removal Act 1830: Preisdent given funds and power to move Native Americans from their eastern lands to the west. Western lands (thought to be unsuitable for white settlement) were to be garnered to the tribes. Gov would provide some financial compensation and act declared no existing treties would be violated.
                              1. Particularly affected the 5 civilised tribes. The Choctaws lost1,600 people when they trekked west over winter of 1831.
                              2. 'Trail of Tears' 4000 Cherokee deaths on journey westward.
                                1. 1835-1842 Seminole War: Resisted removal from Florida and eventually 3000 were moved to the West. Cost USA $50 million and 1500 men.
                                2. Missouri, Texas and Mexico
                                  1. 1820 Missouri Compromise releived tension after new free state Maine was created t balance the admittance of Missouri (a slave state).
                                    1. 1829 Mexico passed law to free its slaves and following year prohibited American immigration into Texas. Mexican president, General Santa Anna marched north with army and all Texan defenders were killed. 1836, Sam Houston defeated Mexicans in battle of San Jacinto and Santa Anna was captured and forced to recognise Texan independence.
                                      1. Most Texans hoped to join USA but many northerners opposed action as feared it would lead to spread of slavery. Politically controversial so Jackson shelved issue as did his successor Martin Van Buren. 1845 Texas admitted to union as a single state.
                                        1. 1844 Polk a slaveholder elected president. Wished to annex California and New Mexico. Adviceates of manifest destiny involved God to sanction expansion but many northern whigs saw it as smokescreen to conceal evil intent of expanding slavery.
                                        2. The impact of the Mexican War 1846-50
                                          1. USA annexation of Texas angered Mexico. In war, USA had advantage of superior artillery, naval supremacy and junior offices who'd been well trained at West point.
                                            1. Polk hoped Mexico would accept defeat but General Santa Anna now again in control of Mexico refused to surrender.
                                              1. US war heroes of General Zachary Taylor and General Winfield Scott
                                                1. 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceded 2/5ths more land of USA's current territory and USA payed Mexico $15million.
                                                  1. 1846 Wilmost Proviso stated slavery was to be excluded from any territory gained from Mexico. Passed with sectional voting in House of Republicsn but failed to pass senate and so never became law.
                                                    1. 1848 election between Democrats, Whigs (nominated Taylor) and a new party, the Free Soil party (nominated Martin Van Buren). taylor won with 48% of total votes.
                                                      1. Taylors action in California and New Mexico caused Southern outrage. The Nashville convention and divisions in Congress led to the threat of Southern Sucession.
                                                    2. The 1850 Compromise
                                                      1. California was to be admitted as a free state, Slave trading but not slavery itself should end in Washington DC, a more stringent Fugitive Slave Acts should be passed to placate the South and in order to resolve the Texas-New Mexico dispute, Texas should surrender disputed land to New Mexico and in return, congress would assume the $10 million public debt Texas owed.
                                                        1. Passed with help of death of President Taylor and Senator Douglas' political skill. The compromise was passed with each component passing passing in separate bills.
                                                        2. North South problems 1850-3
                                                          1. Fugitive Slave Act
                                                            1. The Gadsden Purchase
                                                              1. North was more industrial and more urban. They tended to have a better education and liked new ideas.
                                                                1. South was more set in their ways. Committed to slavery due to plantation agriculture. 1793 Whitney's invention of cotton engine revolutionised southern agriculture.
                                                                2. Problems of Kansas Nebraska. K/N Act 1854
                                                                  1. Senator Douglas introduced the bill dividing the west land of Missouri into 2 territories
                                                                    1. Directly led conflict over slavery. Stated people of the territories should rhos if a free state or not through popular sovereignty.
                                                                      1. Moved US closer to civil war.
                                                                      2. Upset balances in place since 1820 Missouri Compromise. 90% of Southerners voted for it and 64% Northerners against.
                                                                        1. Pro and anti slvery settlers rushed to Kansas to try and determine the results of the election. Opponents of act helped found the Republican party which opposed spread of slavery to territories.
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