Memory- working memory model


AS level Psychology (Memory) Mind Map on Memory- working memory model, created by Grace Fawcitt on 02/01/2018.
Grace Fawcitt
Mind Map by Grace Fawcitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Fawcitt
Created by Grace Fawcitt about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Memory- working memory model
  1. Central executive
    1. Coordinates activity of other subsystems, as well as allocating resources
      1. Very limited capacity
      2. Visuo-spatial sketchpad
        1. Visual and spatial information
          1. Limited capacity
            1. 3-4 objects
            2. The visual cache
              1. Stores visual data
              2. The inner scribe
                1. Records arrangement of objects
              3. Phonological loop
                1. Auditory information
                  1. Acoustic coding
                  2. Phonological store
                    1. Stores the words you hear
                    2. Articulatory process
                      1. Maintenance rehearsal of words in a 'loop' to keep them in the STM as long as necessary
                        1. 2 second capacity
                    3. Episodic buffer
                      1. Integrates all information and ensures time sequencing
                        1. Limited capacity
                          1. 4 chunks
                          2. Links WM to LTM
                          3. Evaluation
                            1. Clinical evidence
                              1. Patient had trouble with auditory information processing but fine for visual
                                1. Damage to phonological loop but not visuo-spatial sketchpad
                                  1. Suggests they are separate stores
                                2. Difficult to generalise
                                  1. Often deals with patients with unique cases, sometimes revolving around trauma
                                3. Dual task performance
                                  1. Baddeley
                                    1. More difficult to do two tasks in the same store (e.g. visuo-spatial tasks) compared to two different tasks (e.g. auditory and visual)
                                      1. Suggests there must be separate subsystems to deal with auditory and visual information
                                  2. Lack of clarity over central executive
                                    1. Not a full explanation of STM
                                      1. May have separate components
                                      2. Word length effect
                                        1. List of long words more difficult to remember
                                          1. 2 second capacity in articulatory process
                                        2. Brain scan studies
                                          1. High levels of activity in the left pre-frontal corex during CE activity
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