How did hitler change germany from a democracy to a nazi dictatorship-1933-34-law and order


History Mind Map on How did hitler change germany from a democracy to a nazi dictatorship-1933-34-law and order, created by annabellock on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by annabellock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annabellock almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

How did hitler change germany from a democracy to a nazi dictatorship-1933-34-law and order
  1. 1-nazis abolishedthe right to have a trial before imprisonment
    1. 2-judges were replaced where neccessary by nazi supporters
      1. 3-ss and gestapo were allowed to put people in concentration camps with out a trial
        1. 4- 1934 hitler set up the peoples court which tries people for crimes against the state - any opponant of the nazis was called an enemy of the state
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