Benzene Reactions


A level Chemistry Mind Map on Benzene Reactions, created by Opris Irina on 09/01/2018.
Opris Irina
Mind Map by Opris Irina, updated more than 1 year ago
Opris Irina
Created by Opris Irina about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Benzene Reactions
  1. Nitration (NO2)
    1. Electrophile: NO2+
      1. Benzene + HNO3 -> nitrobenzene
        1. HNO3 + H2SO4 -> NO2+ + HSO4- + H2O
          1. Temperature must be below 50 or dinitrobenzene will form
        2. Acylation
          1. Acyl Group: CH3 - C=O
            1. ALCl3 + CH3 - C=O - Cl -> AlCl4- + CH3-C+=O
            2. Alkylation
              1. Use halogenoalkane with AlCl3 as a halogen carrier to generate the electrophile
                1. AlCl3 + CH3Cl -> AlCl4- + CH3+
                  1. CH3+ = Electrophile
                    1. AlCl4- + H+ -> AlCl3 +HCl
                  2. Halogenation
                    1. Electrophile must be positive
                      1. Halogen carrier, FeBr3, AlBr3
                        1. FeBr3 + Br2 -> FeBr4- + Br+
                          1. Polarises and breaks Br-Br bond
                            1. FeBr4- + H+ -> FeBr3 +HBr
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