Business Change


Mind Map on Business Change, created by al wed on 11/01/2018.
al wed
Mind Map by al wed, updated more than 1 year ago
al wed
Created by al wed almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Business Change
  1. Purpose
    1. Vision
      1. Goals
        1. Objectives
          1. Benefits
          2. Shared Language for change
            1. Stakeholders
            2. Process
              1. Benchmarking / baselining
                1. learning & development
                  1. Transition plan
                    1. Dependencies
                      1. measurement
                        1. Risk & Issues
                          1. Resources required
                          2. People
                            1. stakeholders
                              1. leadership / accountability
                                1. customer focus
                                  1. safety
                                    1. capability
                                      1. skills r'qts
                                        1. compentencies
                                        2. skills gap
                                          1. training
                                        3. behaviours
                                          1. resistance to change
                                            1. trust & respect
                                            2. communication
                                              1. guiding coalition
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