How did hitler change germany froma democracy to a nazi dictatorship-1933-34-youth movements


History Mind Map on How did hitler change germany froma democracy to a nazi dictatorship-1933-34-youth movements, created by annabellock on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by annabellock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annabellock over 11 years ago

Resource summary

How did hitler change germany froma democracy to a nazi dictatorship-1933-34-youth movements
  1. 1-hitler initiated youth organisations which became compulsary to join after 1936
    1. 2-all groups were taught nazi beliefs and given lots of physical exercise and training
      1. 3- older boys were expected to learn military dicipline
        1. 4- girls there was the league of german girls that aimed to make girls fit to become strong german mothers
          1. 5- weekens away and camping and hiking opportunities were provided
            1. 6-girls could particulary break free and travel away meeting teenagers from other areas of germany
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