Unit 1.3 Storage


My Computing Unit 1.3 Mind Map
Kwaku Donkor
Mind Map by Kwaku Donkor, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mathew Wheatley
Created by Mathew Wheatley almost 7 years ago
Kwaku Donkor
Copied by Kwaku Donkor almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1.3 Storage
  1. Characteristics of storage devices
    1. Capacity
      1. Speed
        1. Portability
          1. Durabilty
            1. Cost
              1. Reliabilty
              2. Data Capacity
                1. Sound
                  1. bytesPerSample * samplesPerSecond * channels * duration = size
                  2. Images
                    1. (Number of pixels * Number of bytes per pixel) + 10% for any overheads
                    2. Text Files
                      1. 1 byte per character + 10% for any overheads
                    3. Storage Units
                      1. Past a byte tradititonally they go up x1,024 each time but in exams just use x1,000
                        1. Bits (1 or 0), Smallest
                          1. Nibble, 4 bits
                            1. Byte, 8 bits
                              1. Kilobyte (KB), 1,000 bytes
                                1. Megabyte (MB), 1,000 KB
                                  1. Gigabyte (GB), 1,000 MB
                                    1. Terabyte (TB), 1,000 GB
                                      1. Pettabyte (PB), 1,000 TB, this is rare but there are even larger!
                                      2. Data Types
                                        1. Text = 1B/charcater
                                          1. Integer = 4/8B
                                            1. Real = 4/8B
                                              1. Boolean = 1B
                                                1. Date = 8B
                                                2. Forms of Storage
                                                  1. Magnetic
                                                    1. Read/write makes certain parts more/less magnetised
                                                      1. How magnetised each part is represents a 1 or 0
                                                      2. Optical
                                                        1. A laser light leaves markings on a disk
                                                          1. Another laser scans these and makes them into a readable format
                                                          2. Solid State
                                                            1. Made of microchips
                                                              1. The state of each chip represents a 1 or 0
                                                              2. Secondary
                                                                1. We need this storage to save data ready for future use
                                                                  1. We need it to interact with computers
                                                                    1. It lets us use software
                                                                      1. Without it, you couldn't store data and so would need to redownload everything with every boot up
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