Mending walls


Mind Map on Mending walls, created by Johnny Weitbrecht on 13/01/2018.
Johnny Weitbrecht
Mind Map by Johnny Weitbrecht, updated more than 1 year ago
Johnny Weitbrecht
Created by Johnny Weitbrecht over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Mending walls
  1. Structure
    1. First person narrative
      1. 45 lines , loose rhyme
        1. Breaks rhyme to maintain feeling of conversation
          1. occasional internal rhyme
          2. There are no stanza breaks, obvious end-rhymes, or rhyming patterns
          3. Story
            1. 2 Characters meet to fix the wall yearly
              1. Frost does not see the need for a wall as they have no live stalk
                1. frost wonders does the earth not want walls as they mysteriously break during the year
              2. Theme
                1. Community
                  1. Frost and his neighbour meet yearly to mend the wall
                    1. The meeting ensures the pair maintain a healthy relationship
                    2. Nature
                      1. Frost references , rabbits, trees and live stock throughout the poem
                        1. Nature seems to destroy the wall as if the world does not want any walls
                        2. Isolation
                          1. Although the pair meet annually frost still walks along the wall repairing it during the year
                          2. People
                            1. Frost creates 2 contrasting characters
                              1. The narrator questions the need for the wall as it keeps getting destroyed and the only thing either side of the wall is trees
                                1. The neighbour belives the wall should be maintained in order to keep a healthy relationship even though the is absent most of the year
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