Both enter the world with a mature
body but an 'unformed' mind
Monster is banished from 'Eden' in the form of the
possibility of a loving relationship with his creator
Unlike Adam, the monster is refused a companion,
neither does he have hope of a coming saviour
Adam vs Frankenstein
Forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge - Frankenstein indulges
in experimentation which allows death to enter the novel
God vs the monster
Like God, the monster
holds power of life
and death over
God vs Frankenstein
Both experiment in
anatomy and creation
Unlike God, Frankenstein displays
no love or care towards his creation
and isolates him for no good reason
Satan vs the
They both rebel against their
creator in the form of seeking
to attack the things they love.
Satan = Adam and Eve. Monster
= Frankenstein's loved ones
Both have strange attraction to the reader ->
feelings towards the monster are frequently
ones of sympathy and pity -> 'Evil thenceforth
became my good' / 'Evil be thou my good'
Satan vs Frankenstein
Frankenstein 'plays' God by creating life
himself and Satan displaces God
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Ancient Mariner is forced to carry the
albatross he has killed around his neck ->
Frankenstein is cursed to carry with him
the burden of what he has done
He refers to his promise to create a companion for the
monster as 'this deadly weight yet hanging round my
neck, and bowing me to the ground'
Both texts make effective use of polar regions
to achieve an atmosphere of eerie strangeness
The pole is a place of nemesis, where all of the characters are forced to come face
to face with their destinies and the reality of the consequences of their actions
Prometheus and Pandora - Greek Mythology
Frankenstein is also known as The Modern Prometheus
Creation of Pandora under the control of Zeus (moulded
from mud) echos creation of monster -> at first she bought
good but her curiosity induced terrible worldly things