FW. Taylor and Scientific Management


A-Levels Business Studies Mind Map on FW. Taylor and Scientific Management, created by Helpless Legend on 02/06/2013.
Helpless Legend
Mind Map by Helpless Legend, updated more than 1 year ago
Helpless Legend
Created by Helpless Legend over 11 years ago

Resource summary

FW. Taylor and Scientific Management
  1. Workers are in it for money
    1. Workers would do the minimum amount of work if left to their own devices
      1. Developed his theory through work-study
        1. What he favoured
          1. Division of labour breaking work down to small repetitive tasks
          2. What he believed
            1. Piece Rate
              1. Financial incentives motivates and improves productivity
              2. Increased productivity meant that fewer workers are needed
                1. Workers worried about their jobs
                2. Causes a reduction in quality
                  1. Supervisors were needed to monitor efficency and quality control
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