Language, ECD & resilliance


University Psychology 144 (Chapter 4) Mind Map on Language, ECD & resilliance, created by Zeneatha Jònsson on 26/08/2014.
Zeneatha Jònsson
Mind Map by Zeneatha Jònsson, updated more than 1 year ago
Zeneatha Jònsson
Created by Zeneatha Jònsson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Language, ECD & resilliance
  1. Language development:
    1. holophrases
      1. one-word sentences to convey the meaning of the whole sentence
    2. telegraphic speech
      1. only those words that are necessary to convey meaning
      2. ECD Early Childhood Development:
        1. occurs mostly through play
          1. critical for brain development
          2. Resilience
            1. the ability to adapt effectively in the face of adverse cercumstances
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