UK Energy mix


Mind Map on UK Energy mix, created by Hannah Sargent on 23/01/2018.
Hannah Sargent
Mind Map by Hannah Sargent, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Sargent
Created by Hannah Sargent over 6 years ago

Resource summary

UK Energy mix
  1. Renewables
    1. Wind
      1. Wind turbines turn to make electricity
        1. Wind farms in the countryside or in the sea
        2. Hydroelectric power (HEP)
          1. Energy from the movement of water through lakes and dams
            1. In mountainous areas
            2. Solar
              1. Energy from the sun
                1. Collected by solar panels on roofs or in fields
                2. Biomass
                  1. Uses decaying plant and animal waste
                  2. Tidal
                    1. Movement of the tide drags turbines
                      1. Found in estuaries with large tidal range
                      2. Geothermal
                        1. Cold water is pumped underground and comes out as steam
                          1. Uses natural heat of the earth
                            1. Tectonically active areas
                            2. Wave
                              1. The movement of seawater through a cavity to drive turbines
                                1. Found where there are lots of waves
                              2. Fossil Fuels
                                1. Oil
                                  1. Lakes of oil are found between seams of rock
                                    1. Pipes are sunk to the oil and it is pumped out
                                    2. Coal
                                      1. Mined from coal seams
                                        1. Burned to provide electricity
                                          1. Formed by fossilised carbon
                                          2. Natural gas
                                            1. Methane and other gases trapped between rock seams
                                              1. Pipes sunk into the ground to release gas
                                            2. Nuclear
                                              1. Radioactive minerals are mined
                                                1. Electricity is released when atoms are split
                                                  1. Located near the coast
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