Fear conditioning,
conditioning, sign
tracking, and
conditioned taste
aversion are all
examples of this
Inhibitory Conditioning
CS signals absence
of US - unlike
procedures where
CS signals presence
of US
Five Common Conditioning Procedures
Inter-trial Interval
The time between
trials or CS-US
Responding due to
sensitization, not CS
Probe/Test Trial
CS alone
Measures of responding
To measure CR.
Example: How many
drops of saliva
the percentage of
trials on which a CR
is elicited by the CS
Measures how
soon the CR occurs
after the onset of
the CS
Present US as frequently as CS
Random Control Procedure
US presented randomly
throughout trials
Explicitly Unpaired Control
CS-US pairing is separated by
long delay, trial, or session
Summation Test
Determine the efficacy of a CS
Substance Abuse/ Addiction
Sexual Behaviors
Blue Gourami
Defending territories against other
males. Each winner and loser was forced
to defend its territory against a novel
male in an unsignaled encounter 3 days
later. Males for which the first contest
was signaled not only were more likely to
defeat their rivals than control males but,
having won that encounter, they also
were more likely to win a second contest
than fish that had lost their first
encounter. All losers lost their second