Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace


The causes of the 1536 Pilgrimage of Grace rebellion, taken from the Edexcel History A Level textbook
Daisy Lovick
Mind Map by Daisy Lovick, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy Lovick
Created by Daisy Lovick about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace
  1. Opposition to Cromwell's policies
    1. The North saw itself as under attack from the Crown
      1. Cromwell was blamed
    2. Food shortages and agrarian issues
      1. There had been poor harvests in 1585 and 1536
        1. Many other agrarian issues motivated the rebels
          1. renewal of tenancies
            1. rack-renting
              1. enclosure
            2. Taxation
              1. Opposition to taxation was a constant theme in the rebel's articles
                1. There was particular hostility towards the 1534 Subsidy Act
                  1. Also The Statue of Uses
                2. Defense of the faith
                  1. The rebels cultivated a religious resonance that helped justify its actions
                    1. The rebels demanded a 'rooting out' of heresy
                      1. wanted to renounce the Act of Supremacy
                        1. called for an end to the draining of churches' wealth
                      2. Dissolution of the Monasteries
                        1. Aske said this was his 'greatest role'
                          1. Dissolution caused spiritual and economic hardships
                            1. Monasteries played an important role in the everyday life in the north
                            2. Aristocratic feud
                              1. Some historians argue the uprising was an orchestrated attempt by the nobility to increase their power
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