1.4 Storage


Mind Map on 1.4 Storage, created by Richard Hipol on 25/01/2018.
Richard Hipol
Mind Map by Richard Hipol, updated more than 1 year ago
Richard Hipol
Created by Richard Hipol over 6 years ago

Resource summary

1.4 Storage
  1. Algorithms
    1. Parameters
      1. Repetition
      2. Information Processing
        1. Sequential
          1. Parallel
            1. Centralized
              1. Decentralized
              2. Data Representation
                1. Qualitative
                  1. Quantitative
                  2. Instruction Representation
                    1. Instructions
                      1. Identify Format
                        1. Six Machine Language
                        2. Program Development Cycle
                          1. Code
                            1. Design
                              1. Test
                                1. Debug
                                2. Key Computer Science Area
                                  1. Communication
                                    1. Coordination
                                      1. Recollection
                                        1. Evaluation
                                          1. Design
                                            1. Computation And Automation
                                            2. Client Server Network
                                              1. Star Network
                                                1. Central Server
                                                  1. Stores details and files
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