performed worse
in terms of rates of
1 - economies more susceptible
to fluctuations in income due to
resource price volatility -
overdependence during period
of 'bust' --> depletion of
resource base - after resource
boom, economy is insufficiently
developed or diversified to
sustain living standards
not inevitable --> effective
gorvernment policy can
use resource income to
promote more diversified
economy and sustain
living standards
2 - failure to redeploy income from
resource sector to promote
sustainable economic development -
some use resources income to
subsidize and protect inefficient
producers in non-resource sectors -
later resource income dwindles and
economy is forced to open up to
international competition -->
inefficient produces then fail
Oil Production & Consumption -
produce most Middle East - produce
least South & Central America -
consume most Asia Pacific -
consume least Africa
Natural Gas Production & Consumption
- produce and consume most Europe -
produce most and least South &
Central America
Energy Resource
- more energy is consumed as industrial
activity grows but decreases in
post-industrial stage of economic
development - decreases because
deindustrialization and economic
restructuring where less
energy-intensive sector replace heavy
industry and manufacturing -
conservation and technological change
makes industry more energy efficient
however, Newly Industrialized
Countries (NIC) of Asia like Hong Kong,
South Korea and Singapore's time was
compressed as they did not have the
advantage of substantial indigenous
energy resources
substance useful to humans,
economically feasible and
socially acceptable to use
dynamic, intimately linked to
evolution of human society --> as new
tech emerge old tech and associated
resources become redundant
e.g. flint --> essential during
Stone Age for making tools
but has limited value now
new tech create new
demands and concerns,
control over supply is
important in political and
economic powers
e.g. availability of rare
earth metals used in
'green' tech
dynamic nature of resources -->
difficult to estimate resource
availability level and scarcity
types &
Physical - exhaust minerals
and energy - human
population exceed food
production capacity
Economic - rich always outbid poor
for essential resources - need
exceed ability to pay for supplies
Renewable & Environmental -
distribution of bio-geographical cycles
threaten sustainability of earth life -
pollution exceeds absorptive capacity -->
economic and health problems
The Society-Environment Relationships
Sustainable Development
- 1987 Brundtland Report : possible to
grow economy without compromising
the environment - sustainable
development = development which
meets the needs of present without
compromising ability of future
generations to meet their own needs
highly contested and vague --> contentions arise -
how to determine present and future needs? -
whose needs? - allow differentiation of
responsibility of carbon emissions between
developed and developing countries? - developing
countries allowed to use less sustainable
development to grow econmy?
Approaches to Environmentalism
e.g. international
agreements, legislature,
lifestyle changes, community
living and through direct
Reformist Approach
- modified sustainable economic
growth - large technological
development as solutions for
environmental problems -
environmental solutions to coexist
with existing social and political
Radial Approach
- limits to economic growth and presents
uncontrolled economic growth as
undesirable - distrust of scientific and
technological fixes - radial social and
political change
Assessing the Effectiveness of Approaches
policies are being designed and
implemented at global, regional
and local scales but some issues
still dog progress
- remediation and restoration of
environment takes years - costs
are enormous - negotiation and
implementation of global and
regional environmental policies
are slow