Computing Science in S3 & S4


Mind Map on Computing Science in S3 & S4, created by John Lawrence on 03/06/2013.
John Lawrence
Mind Map by John Lawrence, updated more than 1 year ago
John Lawrence
Created by John Lawrence over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Computing Science in S3 & S4
  1. 2 Levels
    1. National 4
      1. 3 Units to Pass
        1. Software Design and Development
          1. Information Systems Design and Development
            1. Practical Assignment
            2. No Final Exam - Pass or Fail
            3. National 5
              1. Graded A-D
                1. Practical Assessment - 40%
                  1. Written Exam (60%)
                    1. 2 Units to Pass
                      1. Software Design and Development
                        1. Information Systems Design and Development
                    2. 2 Core Units
                      1. Software Development (Coding - design/develop/test)
                        1. Information Systems (Database / Websites)
                        2. Key Topics / Skills
                          1. Coding and App Development
                            1. Web Design (HTML)
                              1. Interface Design
                                1. Databases / Information Managment
                                  1. Implications of Computing
                                    1. Computer Operations
                                    2. Key Life Skills
                                      1. Persevering
                                        1. Organising
                                          1. Problem Solving
                                            1. Communicating
                                              1. Collaborating
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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