Gordon Allport


Mind Map on Gordon Allport, created by Sarah Albrecht on 04/06/2013.
Sarah Albrecht
Mind Map by Sarah Albrecht, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Albrecht
Created by Sarah Albrecht over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Gordon Allport
  1. Trait theorist
    1. Began developing his theory by going through a dictionary and noting every term he found that described a personality trait
      1. After compiling several different traits, he organised them into three different catagories 1) Cardinal traits, 2) Central traits, 3) Secondary traits
        1. Cardinal traits - A trait that dominates an individual's entire personallity. Cardinal traits are thought to be quite rare)
          1. Central traits - Common traits that make up our personality. Traits such as kindness, honesty and friendliness
            1. Secondary traits - Traits that are only present under certain conditions/situations. Example: Getting nervous before a speech.
          2. After meeting Feud, Allport wrote that psychologists should give full recognition to clear motives before looking into the unconscious
          3. Believed that every person has a small number of specific traits that predominate his or hers personality
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