Agricultural Revolution


Junior Cert History Mind Map on Agricultural Revolution, created by Fiona Corbet on 07/02/2018.
Fiona Corbet
Mind Map by Fiona Corbet, updated more than 1 year ago
Fiona Corbet
Created by Fiona Corbet over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Agricultural Revolution
  1. From 1750 on
    1. Before 1750
      1. Open field system
        1. Land around villages = 3 huge open fields called Commons
          1. narrow scattered strips for growing crops
            1. Farmers wasted time travelling between various scattered strips of land
              1. No hedges or fences
                1. Weeds hard to control
                  1. Crops destroyed when Animals trampled on crops
                    1. Diseases spread quickly among animals cos all grazed together on the common
                      1. To rest the land one whole field had to be left fallow (unplanted)
        2. Huge changes in agriculture in Britain
          1. Open fields divided up into small farms
            1. Fences used to enclose fields
              1. Easier to farm a compact block of land rather than scattered strips of land
                1. Diseases and weeds easier to control
                  1. Not good for everyone - peasants now they had nowhere to graze their animals
          2. Robert Bakewell
            1. Improved breeding of cattle and sheep
              1. Separated male and female herds of cattle and sheep so that breeding could only take place at certain times. This led to stronger healthier heavier animals
                1. Charles "Turnip" Townsend
                  1. Introduced New system of crop rotation
                    1. Meant no fields left fallow
                      1. So all fields being used so old fallow field was used to plant turnips or clover. Turnips used to feed cattle during winter = stronger, healthier heavier animals
              2. Jethro Tull
                1. Invented the seed drill so that seeds would not be wasted and seeds now planted in rows
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