

A2 Biology (Section 1) Mind Map on Lipids, created by Dominic Weston on 13/02/2018.
Dominic Weston
Mind Map by Dominic Weston, updated more than 1 year ago
Dominic Weston
Created by Dominic Weston over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Test for Lipids
    1. Emulsion Test
      1. Add ethanol to sample in a test tube
        1. Shake test tube
          1. Add to water and any lipid shows as a milky emulsion
            1. More lipid equals more noticeable milky colour
    2. Intro
      1. Main groups are triglycerides and phospholipids
        1. Insoluble in water
          1. Soluble in alcohols and acetone
          2. Triglycerides
            1. Structure
              1. Triglycerides are molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids
                1. Fatty acid "tail" of triglyceride are hydrophobic - repel water molecules
                  1. This makes lipids insoluble in water
              2. Formation
                1. Glycerol and fatty acids combine by condensation reactions
                  1. Forms an ester bond
                    1. Hydrolysis therefore produces glycerol and three fatty acids
                    2. Fatty acid chains can be saturated / unsaturated
                      1. Saturated, no double C-C bonds
                        1. Mono-unsaturated, one double bond
                          1. Polyunsaturated, more than one double bond
                            1. Unsaturated causes chain to bend
                              1. Bend in the chain means they can not pack closely together
                                1. Causes them to be liquid at room temp e.g. they are oils
                      2. Function
                        1. Mainly used for energy storage
                          1. Long tails contain many bonds that release chemical energy when broken down
                            1. Contain more energy than carbohydrates
                      3. Phospholipids
                        1. Structure
                          1. Phospholipids similar to triglycerides as one fatty acid is replaced by a phoshate group
                            1. Polar molecule, phosphate end attacts water and fatty acids repel water
                          2. Function
                            1. Forms a bilayer for cell membranes forming a hydrophobic barrier between outside and inside a cell
                              1. Water soluble substances cant pass through
                              2. Helps form glycolipids by combining phosphate group on membrane with carbs
                                1. Important for cell recognition
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