Ducks theories of relationship breakdown


A-Levels Psychology (Relationships) Mind Map on Ducks theories of relationship breakdown, created by harry_bygraves on 05/06/2013.
Mind Map by harry_bygraves, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by harry_bygraves over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Ducks theories of relationship breakdown
  1. Ducks three reasons;
    1. 1. Pre existing doom; relationship was destined to fail from the start. The two individuals are not compatible in anyway
      1. 2. Mechanical Failure; two people grow apart over time, things in the relationship break down even though they did not intend them too
        1. 3. Sudden death; an individual has an affair and the other partner finds out and ends it
        2. Ducks extra reasons
          1. 1. Lack of skills; e.g. communication skills
            1. 2. Lack of motivation; e.g. not putting enough in the relationship to keep it going
              1. 3. Lack of maintanence; e.g. living too far away from each other
              2. Ducks model of the stages of relationship breakdown
                1. 1. Intrapsychic; one partner begins to think they are not happy
                  1. 2. Dyadic; the unhappy partner tells the other partner that they are not happy, they decide to split up
                    1. 3. Social; the couple begin to tell friends and family, may blame each other for what went wrong
                      1. 4. Grave dressing; each partner will try to create the best version possible that makes themselves look good. The relationship is 'dressed up' to look as good as possible, so that you will be attractive to new partners
                2. Argyle (1988) found that women blame a lack of emotional support as reasons for breakup, while men blamed a lack of fun in the relationship. This suggests that the idea of mechanical failure is a good explaination for breakups, as the couples are no longer compatible
                  1. Holtt and Stone (1988) found that maintanence could be a problem for couples at university. Hoever, if they met up regularly they were more likely to stay together
                    1. Tashiro and Frazier (2003) surveyed undergraduates and found that the students had gone through the different stages in Duck's model, supporting real world validity of the model
                      1. Gender differences - Kassin (1996) woment blame stress, unhappiness and incompatibility as reasons for break up. Men blame lack of sex. Woment want to stay friends, while men want a clean break. This means that ducks model does not fully explain gender differences in break down
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