Love through the ages


Mind Map on Love through the ages, created by emily.wright03 on 05/06/2013.
Mind Map by emily.wright03, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emily.wright03 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Love through the ages
  1. Gatsby
    1. Daisy and Tom
      1. Gatsby and Daisy
        1. Geroge and Myrtle
          1. Tom and Myrtle
            1. Daisy and child
              1. Nick and Jordan
              2. Antony and Cleopatra
                1. Antony and Cleopatra
                  1. Antony and Octavia
                    1. Antony and Fulvia
                    2. Othello
                      1. Othello and Desdemona
                        1. Othello and Iago
                          1. Iago and Emelia
                            1. Emilia and Desdemona
                              1. Desdemona and Brabantio
                              2. Kite runner
                                1. Amir and Baba
                                  1. Amir and Hassan
                                    1. Hassan and Baba
                                    2. A view from the Bridge
                                      1. Catherine and Eddie
                                        1. Catherine and Rodolpho
                                        2. Importance of being earnest
                                          1. Gwendolen and Jack ( Earnest)
                                            1. Earnest and Cecily
                                            2. Great Expectations
                                              1. Estella and Miss Havisham
                                                1. Estella and Pip
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