
Pyschology Mind Map on RESEARCH METHODS, created by Jennifer Farley on 05/06/2013.
Jennifer Farley
Mind Map by Jennifer Farley, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Farley
Created by Jennifer Farley almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Experiment Design
    1. Repeated Measures
      1. All participants do all conditions
        1. Positive = any difference in result is likely to be becaused by IV as no difference in Groups
          1. Negative = 2nd condition could improve because of practice effect
            1. Negative = order effects bored / tired will affect result
          2. Independent Measures
            1. Participants only complete one condition
              1. individual differences are not accounted for
                1. no order effects
            2. TYPES OF EXPERIMENT
              1. Laboratory
                1. Artifical
                  1. Controlled
                    1. Measurable
                      1. low ecological validity
                      2. Field
                        1. Natural Setting
                          1. small amount of control
                            1. high ecological validity
                              1. extraneous variables
                            2. TYPES OF STUDY
                              1. Correlational Study - analysis of two set of data looking for a relationship
                                1. Positive Correlation = 1 variable so does other
                                  1. Negative Correlation = 1 variable increases 1 variable decreases
                                  2. Longitudinal - takes place over a long time, (case study of a child)
                                    1. Attrition - drop out of participants
                                    2. Cross Sectional - comparing two sets of participants ("who can 2yr olds v 7yr olds
                                      1. Piaget - Conservation of number
                                      2. Case Study - natural, either one person or a small group
                                        1. Qualitative data, rich details / observation
                                          1. often subjective / researcher bias
                                            1. Freud
                                          2. Quantitative Data = Numerical Data
                                            1. Qualitative Data = Descriptive Data
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