WoB a proto-feminist


A-Levels english quotes Mind Map on WoB a proto-feminist, created by Matt Pope on 05/06/2013.
Matt Pope
Mind Map by Matt Pope, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Pope
Created by Matt Pope over 11 years ago

Resource summary

WoB a proto-feminist
  1. I have had my world as in my tyme
    1. I have had my world in my time
    2. Thou seist also that it displeseth me/But if that thou wolt preyse my beautee
      1. Thou sayest also that it displeases me/Unless thou will praise my beauty
      2. Conseillying is no comandement
        1. Advice is no commandment
        2. Wher can ye seye, in any manere age,/That hye God forbad mariage
          1. Where can you find, in any historical period,/That God forbade marriage
          2. For ther as wont to walken was an elf/Ther walketh now the lymytour himself
            1. For where an elf was accustomed to walk/There walks now the licensed begging friar himself
            2. noon auctoritee/Were in no book
              1. No authority/Were in any book
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