Biological Contemporary Approaches


Psychoology Mind Map on Biological Contemporary Approaches, created by GeorgiaLauren on 05/06/2013.
Mind Map by GeorgiaLauren, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Kailee Tindale
Created by Kailee Tindale over 11 years ago
Copied by GeorgiaLauren over 11 years ago
Copied by GeorgiaLauren over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Biological Contemporary Approaches
  1. Genes
    1. Nature vs Nurture
      1. Twin studies
        1. Identical twins (100% of genes shared) approximately 46% variation in personality, opposed to fraternal twins (share approx 50% of genes) showed approximately 23% variation
      2. Genetic make up of a person contributes to the devlopment part of the individuals personality
        1. Genes account for approximately 50% of given traits
        2. Genes increase the risk of personality disorders
        3. Anatomy of the central nervous system
          1. Eysenck
            1. Model of personality
              1. Based on the results of factor analyses of responses on personality
                1. three demensions of eprsonality: extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism
                  1. Extraversion
                    1. Extraverts are sociable and active, they enjoy meeting people and going to parties
                      1. Extraverts described as showing low levels of cortical arousal, while introverts were seen as over-aroused
                        1. Extraverts more sensitive to reward - (introverts more sensitive to punishment)
                        2. Neuroticism
                          1. Reflecting differences in the intensity of emotional experiences
                            1. It might be expected that individuals high in neuroticism might be more likely to use drugs in order to reduce or avoid negative emotional states
                          2. Psychoticism
                            1. Refers to a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility
                              1. Individuals high on psychoticism are tough-minded, non-conformist, willing to take risks and may engage in antisocial behaviour
                                1. Measure traits related to anxiety and depression
                                  1. Trait relates to pschopathy/antisocial personality disorder
                      2. Biochemistry
                        1. Hormones
                          1. Testosterone
                            1. a sense of separateness
                              1. aggression and risk-taking
                                1. sex drive (not touch affection) and sexual fantasy
                                  1. anxiety or energy leading to poor concentration
                                    1. assertiveness and self-confidence
                                      1. visual-spatial ability and interest in moving objects
                                        1. violent, criminal, or psychotic behaviour
                                        2. Estrogen
                                          1. a stable mood and a sense of well-being
                                            1. feminine sexual behaviour
                                              1. neuron growth and improved cognition
                                              2. Vasopressin
                                                1. influences male social and sexual behaviour, public communication, and paternal pattern
                                                2. Oxytocin
                                                  1. promotes touching, affection and bonding
                                                3. Neurotransmitters
                                                  1. Serotonin system
                                                    1. Nueroticism/Harm Avoidance
                                                    2. Dopamine system
                                                      1. Conscentiousness/novelty seeking
                                                      2. Norepinephrine system
                                                        1. Extraversion/Reward Depenance
                                                        2. Epinepherine system
                                                          1. Agreeableness/Persistance
                                                          2. Histamine system
                                                            1. Openess/ Rebelious-conformity/ self-directedness
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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